After crossing the finishing line in Paris, a group of the Tour de France cyclists went straight into the river.
French police have said the men were all insane!
after crossing the finishing line in paris, a group of the tour de france cyclists went straight into the river.. french police have said the men were all insane!.
After crossing the finishing line in Paris, a group of the Tour de France cyclists went straight into the river.
French police have said the men were all insane!
there are many here who think they can infiltrate my web-site.
be warned that we administrators of jwtalk call the listed congregation on your application for membership in our site to verify if they know you!.
some of you have slipped through the cracks and got into our site, but rest assured, we will find you out and ban you!.
Mange tout, Rodney!
from what i understand, a letter was read this past week in regards to congregation reassignments and that the elders want to meet with people at their homes to tell them where they have been reassigned.
obviously, this would be due to the merging and dissolution of congregations.
can anyone confirm this?.
The "personal touch" may be getting invoked to prevent potentially outspoken "evict-ims" (see what I did there?) from causing a scene when they read the letter on the notice board.
I distinctly remember years ago the distress voiced by some when the book-study groups were "re-arranged."
i found it extremely accurate, and as such, not a pleasant experience.
merely reinforced my certainty regarding the org's venomous teachings & practices.. a very well made film for non-jw's to get a good insight into the minds & attitudes of the cult and its members, but not really one i'd urge faders to go and see.
victim returning to the scene of the crime scenario.. opinions will differ..
I found it extremely accurate, and as such, not a pleasant experience. Merely reinforced my certainty regarding the org's venomous teachings & practices.
A very well made film for non-JW's to get a good insight into the minds & attitudes of the cult and its members, but not really one I'd urge faders to go and see. Victim returning to the scene of the crime scenario.
Opinions will differ.
i have to say that it was quite a strange feeling.
for many years that i was in, i had to do a lot of pretending with various teachings i personally didn’t believe in.
still, i believed in some foundation and went for that.
You did well Stephane. Who knows what seeds you may have sown.
Excellent links Perry. Thanks for those.
oh where to begin i am a born in witness witness mother and father and grandparents though only 2 of the 4. i was born in the early 80’s and immediately my parents faced the blood transfusion issue course in their minds at the time it wasn’t an issue it was not gonna happen.
i don’t wanna go into too much detail but fortunately it worked out well as is evidenced by my writing of this back story.
i had the usual spiritual goals that most witness children have i got baptized at 13 then i started running mics and doing sound and giving more talks.
Welcome F2F. I'm sure you'll gain a lot of help and encouragement from many on the forum who can relate to your experiences.
You have a PM.
i was very lucky to have be dating somebody who didn’t run and snitch on me when i started having questions and showing him research i did, instead he listened to me, and after a few arguements, he did wake up as well.
it really didn’t take much to wake him up, and he was more just tired of the crazy witnesses in general.
and now we are planning on getting married and fading together so that our families can at least enjoy our wedding, that special time in life, before we possibly loose them one day.
Hi ADDISON, good advice so far. Take it easy and don't say too much to anyone - for your own benefit.
You have a PM.
All the best.
there are many here who think they can infiltrate my web-site.
be warned that we administrators of jwtalk call the listed congregation on your application for membership in our site to verify if they know you!.
some of you have slipped through the cracks and got into our site, but rest assured, we will find you out and ban you!.
@ JTROTTIGY - This sums up all 21st century JW's -
i just 'phoned britain branch and asked to speak to someone in the public information department.
it looks like the days of questioning the branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.. here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:.
operator: "what sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?".
YOU'RE probably right!
our whole congregation was excited as we stood in front of our brand new kh and smiled for the photographer from the local newspaper.. for years we had been travelling 30 mins each way to attend the meetings and now, after a big effort of donations and hard work we finally had our own kh in our own town.
in the picture, there were 45 smiling faces of all ages, from the newborn to the old brother that had turned 100 and everyone in between.
the year was 1978.. the congregation grew and shrank over the years, probably hitting its peak during the 80's and 90's, there was even a renovation in the early 90's that the local brothers donated towards, for the benefit of the local town to hear the good news about the imminent arrival of the end.
Hey Joey, isn't it tragic that you & your old congregation's experience is now the rule for many - rather than the exception.
And it looks very likely that the same fate awaits the Kilbirnie congregation in Scotland.
The WTBTS is in seriously troubled waters - with no bridge in sight. (I feel a song coming on)